Monday, July 6, 2009

Back to basics and de-marketing services

With major cuts in funding coming for hospitals, the only way to survive is to get back to the core. Meaning, what are those core services and programs that regardless of what happens in the world of healthcare, will pay the bills and create market strength and position for you.

Its hard to exit programs and services. I have been saying for years that hospitals can not be all things to all people anymore. That means hard choices. It also means a de-marketing program for all those classes of trade that you exit from.

It will require organizational strategic planning, a willingness to tackle the scared cows, close collaboration with your physicians, intense internal communications and a solid de-marketing and communication plan to sell it to the community.

You will be required to collaborate with your competition. Hard to admit you can't do all things well. If you want to survive, you have too.

Find the expertise to assist you along. De-marketing is an area where hospitals have little experience.

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