Thursday, July 16, 2009

Battle Lines Are drawn

With the Senate yesterday introducing a HC reform bill, its clear that the battle lines are being drawn between a government insurance option vs big insurers. Expect the Obama PR team to hammer big insurers and enhance the public already aving a strong dislike of healthcare payors.

What does that mean healthcare providers?

Watch the battle closely, you will have to choose.

What to do.


Marketing departments should be working with senior leadership and in their communities to get a pulse from all constituent groups, not just favorites on the topic of healthcare reform.

As issues develop create media statements for local press on why you do or do not support.

Consider offering your facility as a town hall meeting place.

Find out where your docs are at. Help them understand the issues and develop PR/Media kits for them to use.

Consider web site updates and links to various organizations.

Become the local expert source for commentary and opinion.

Get leadership up to speed and in an Executive Speaker's bureau on the topic.

Move fast. Be proactive . Define your usefulness in this process.

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